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Showing posts from October, 2010

What REALLY happened in Gaza,or what "baada-baada" means in Arabic?

Leaders of Hamas were very fond of quoting Sheikh Nasrallah´s famous declaration that “if Israel enters Lebanon,we shall launch rockets not only on Heifa but “baada-baada”(far beyond )it.And when Israel hit Hezbollah in summer of 2006,the brave Sheikh fulfilled his promise; Hezbollah launched its rockets to Hedera.The exact number of rockets was 3. After that the invincible warriors of Hezbollah ran as fast as they could to Litani River-and even “baada-baada” this river. But the Hamas leaders did not like to recall this, and in response to Israel´s warning after every attack on Israeli cities that Israel would not tolerate this forever, they used to answer that if Israel retaliates, they will launch rockets not only on Sderot or Ashkelon,but also “baada-baada” Ahskelon. At the end of December of 2006,the heroic Sheikh Nasrallah also threatened that if only Israel dares to touch Hamas,”our revenge will be terrible, and our rockets will fly to Tel Aviv&qu