Charting a plane can ease the fears of travelers wanting to avoid long security lines as well as canceled and delays flights
. Because of the trouble many individuals and corporations have had with traveling commercially, they have resorted to renting private planes with private pilots and crew. There a a few details one must secure before chartering a plane. This article will discuss what is needed if you want to charter a plane.
- Step 1Find a fixed base operator, or FBO, in your area. An FBO is an
airport company that rents aircraft at an airport for pilot training and private charters. You can find these sources in the yellow pages if you don't know one in your local area.
- Step 2Inform the manager of the FBO of your destination. This will determine what size aircraft you will need and the correct size crew for your length of trip.
- Step 3Compare prices of different FBO's. Find out how they charge for their time and fuel.
- Step 4Expect charter prices to vary. Wet prices for charter flights will most often include gas and oil used. Some charter companies will charge your for the time the engine is running, while others will charge you for time the aircraft is in the air.
- Step 5Secure your return flight. Make sure they have policies that will get you back to your original destination if you have delays and cannot make your return flight.
Tips & Warnings- Inquire whether you can fly with other passengers going to the same destination to save money. There may be routes that passengers frequent like La Guardia to Miami.